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Looking for a trusted B2B partner to expand your RCBI offering?

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If you are reading this article on imidaily.com, it is likely that you are in the business of offering Residence-by-Investment Programs (RBI) and/or Citizenship-by-Investment Programs (CBI) to private clients. After more than three decades since the first RBI (Canada) and CBI (St Kitts) entered the marketplace, the industry has seen continued growth in both (a) the demand from HNW and UHNW individuals interested in these programs and (b) the supply offered by jurisdictions seeking to attract to their shores these high-value individuals and their foreign capital.

That continued growth on the supply side of the equation has brought some of you to consider whether or not to offer a particular program and, if so, how should your business deliver it to the client?

Many of you already have offices in countries where you are busy offering that particular jurisdiction to your clients, while some of you may be thinking of expanding your RBI/CBI offering to include new jurisdictions where your business currently has no presence or contacts.

More RCBI-programs on your shelf without additional investment

Rather than incur the up-front cost of establishing that footprint, why not partner with a firm that has both the presence and expertise in delivering the services required under that country’s RBI or CBI?

Like for any business, it’s impossible to be good at everything, so collaboration with an industry peer can often be an attractive option to enable you to offer your clients a more suitable RBI/CBI solution. Moreover, you will avoid all the up-front set-up costs and the challenging learning curve brought about when taking on a new program.

We at Latitude Consultancy Limited specialize in B2B services and have partnered with many industry peers from all over the world to provide ‘on-the-ground’ support and delivery services in:

  • Malta, in support of the MRVP and MIIP
  • Cyprus, in support of the Cypriot Investment Scheme
  • Portugal, in support of the Portugal Golden Visa Programme
  • Jersey & Guernsey, in support of their ‘high value resident’ and ‘Investor category’ programmes
  • Québec, in support of the Québec Immigrant Investor Program
  • The Caribbean, in support of all 5 Caribbean CBIs

In each of these jurisdictions, Latitude has a dedicated and experienced team that will:

a) Review and submit RBI/CBI applications to the respective government agency/unit;

b) Set-up an itinerary for you and your client to visit the chosen country;

c) Schedule all appointments with the relevant stakeholders involved in the pre and post application process (e.g. government, bank or investment house, estate agent, tax specialist, education consultant, etc.);

d) Liaise with the government agency/unit to ensure that your client’s application is progressing as intended;

e) Introduce you to our local partners who can provide, for example, attractive financing facilities under the MRVP and Québec IIP, or offer your client unique investment opportunities under the Portugal or Guernsey residence programs;

f) Doing all that is necessary to ensure that any visit is handled efficiently, is most productive and leaves a lasting and favourable impression on you and your business, while delivering a positive experience during the stay in the chosen country.

Under our B2B arrangement, you remain in the ‘driver’s seat’; your business gets to contract with the client and collect the professional fees that you negotiated with the client. You only have to pay Latitude a discounted service fee for it to provide the services listed above.

Your business is using Latitude to provide ‘on-the-ground’ support and delivery services to you and your client and to submit your client’s application to the government, which in most jurisdictions (except the Caribbean) requires two or three visits to complete the task. In each country, we have senior staff with years of experience submitting successful applications and providing rewarding client experiences.

If your business is looking to expand its offering in any of the jurisdictions mentioned above, please contact one of the following Latitude partners for more information:

For European Programs, please contact:

Eric Major

Founding Partner and CEO

T: +44 1534 868 201

M: +44 7797 861 080 eric.major@latitudeworld.com

For the Québec IIP and Caribbean CBIs, please contact:

Christopher Willis

Founding Partner and Managing Director – Americas & Caribbean

Member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) #R421399

Registre Québécois des Consultants en Immigration #11053

T: +1 (345) 325 3030

M: +1 (514) 915 3030 christopher.willis@latitudeworld.com

About Us

Latitude Consultancy is a leading British firm in the Investment Migration industry providing valuable insight and expertise to private clients and governments. With the support of its international partners and institutional relationships, Latitude provides genuinely innovative products, competitively priced services and customer-driven, hands-on delivery.

You expect the world. We deliver it. www.latitudeworld.com

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Christian Henrik Nesheim AdministratorKeymaster

Christian Henrik Nesheim is the founder and editor of Investment Migration Insider, the #1 magazine – online or offline – for residency and citizenship by investment. He is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, documentary producer, and writer on the subject of investment migration, whose work is cited in the Economist, Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek, and Business Insider. Norwegian by birth, Christian has spent the last 16 years in the United States, China, Spain, and Portugal.

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